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Posseslime was featured at PGW 2023 at the ICAN booth !


Hello there !

I am Sébastien Pautot and this is my website :D

This is where you can find all my projects, my resume and my contact informations !

I worked on a transport simulator, PC games, VR games, mobile games and websites as a game designer and programmer and plan to continue doing so.

This website is also part of my portfolio, because everything is custom. This website runs on my Raspberry Pi and is using Node.js, Nunjucks, TailwindCSS, Nginx, PM2 and uses a custom SPA system programmed in JS.

About me

Apprenticeship at Artelia, working as a programmer on transport simulations and the simulator itself for bus, tram and metro projects around the globe.
I also work on the ergonomy requirements whenever it is needed.

2 internships at StreamRunners as both a game designer and a programmer (JS/TS).

Bachelor's degree in Game Design at ICAN (Paris, France).

TOEIC certified : 980 points out of 990.

12 years of music at the CRR of Angers including 7 years of trombone and choir.

Project selection