Initial P

A racing game for mobile, made in a week !

It's a racing game that we made in a week. It uses gyroscopic controls and touch controls to move the car. The goal is to be first at the end of the 3 laps. Only 1 racetrack is included. It also supports keyboard inputs if you play from Bluestacks or the Windows Android Subsystem.

I worked on the game programming of the game. It uses the Posseslime controller system to control the player and AI cars and was used to test how to optimize AI navigation, how the controller could be used with an AI controller that provides inputs and the controller's relative input processing layer. Gyroscopic controls were also added to the controller system. All improvements were ported back into Posseslime afterwards.

The game was made in a week by Thomas Vo, Tanguy Jabely and Sébastien Pautot.

Don't forget to send feedbacks !