
Looking backwards while moving forward can be fun apparently

It's a 2D plateformer which main mechanic is litterally the moonwalk, you can pull off this move easily using the left and right keys. Holding right then pushing right while still holding left and you're now looking right while moving left. The direction the player is facing depends on the last button pushed, holding doesn't count as a push thus doesn't change the player's direction.

I worked on the music, the level design, the elements' integration and the additionnal programming.
I'm also the one who came up with the moonwalking mechanic.
It was initially a bug in the basic plateformer project we were given, but we decided to exploit it and base the game on it as it was quite fun to us, unconventionnal and we were also fortunate the game already had a simple way to reproduce the bug, or mechanic I should say.
The levels were made so it would gradually introduce the player to new challenges and make him want to "get it" and go further into the game. As a reward the last level is a special level that I will not spoil so you can try the game yourself and find out.
While we weren't able to put as much stuff as we wanted, the game turned out great and I feel satisfied with it, which is perhaps the most important thing.

You can go through green doors by facing right

You can go through red doors by facing left

The game has 10 levels and a bonus credits level. They are all build around the moonwalk mechanic. The game becomes technical around the end but by taking your time (there's no chrono) you will succeed !

The game was made in a week by a team of 4 people at ICAN :

(level design, visuals)

Benjamin DANESE
(level design, sound design)

(level design, visuals)

Sébastien PAUTOT
(Level design, programming, music, integration)

Don't forget to send feedbacks !