Website / Portfolio

Wix is be good enough until you want to prove you know how to make websites

Most people's portfolio aren't websites made from scratch like mine, but since I have web development skills, I decided to make my own website. I used to do small websites for fun on but then I helped making Streamrunners v2, since then my skills have increased drastically so I knew that just making a Wix portfolio wasn't going to be enough.

Screenshot of my old ugly portfolio on, who knew a background that cycled around all the project icons could be ugly ?

Before this website there was portfolio project I had on When there's big visual updates I usually take a screenshot to show how much progress was made in one update.

Then I remade this website, so that I could use it as a real portfolio, while adding lots of automated systems so that I could update the website really fast while ensuring a good UI and UX across the board.

The website got a technological upgrade, instead of sending JSON data to the client, then placing the information manually once sent, the page's HTML is rendered server-side using Nunjucks. The tailor-made CSS files got removed in favor of Tailwind.css to allow for faster modifications of content and functionnalities across the whole website. Nunjucks allows to make small elements like buttons, one time, and be able to use them on any page, all the time, which decreased drastically how much time was necessary for each upgrade. Coupled with the already fast to produce JSON data the website was already using for generating project pages, adding a project to the website was as fast as ever, and the introduction of tags for all projects meant it was easier to find each project when visiting the website too.

The last big update added the jukebox and made the website an SPA (single-page application) like Spotify so you could listen to music while navigating the website. Unloading a page makes the music stop, so everything has to be contained in one page, the browser history and url bar are modified at runtime to make it look like you change from one page to another but everything is handled manually so that you can go forward and backwards and reload correctly. After that update, systems like the music manager could be used across multiple pages and wouldn't need to be reloaded when changing from one page to another. The backend had to be modified so that it could send portions of the content to avoid sending parts of the data that were already available client-side.

The current version of the website probably wont get any more drastic changes as it's reaching a way better visual and functionnal state than it was at the beginning.

July 2023 changes : changed dark mode into a Posseslime-themed dark mode for the release of Posseslime on

Don't forget to send feedbacks !